Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Here I go again... Sigh

Well here I go again, starting another diet in the beginning of another month. It's a pattern I have been doing for the last 4 years start a diet on the first of the month and by day 3 I have failed and I spend the rest of the month pigging out all the way to the 1st day of the following month. This time is going to be different, why? because I am doing a detox, diet drinks with lots of energy and appetite suppressant so i can't possibly fail!
For every pound I loose I will be blogging on how I did it, what exercises routines I used and what pills or drinks work the best and give you real feedback about these things.

The first thing I am going to use is;

QuickTrim Fast Cleanse 48 Hour Super Diet Detox $8.98 at Walgreens.

Is is a 48 hr Detox for every 4 oz of water you put 2 oz of Detox liquid
No fried foods, process foods and completely eliminate sugars ( but I love soda)
Limit grains and proteins
plenty of water
Eat fruits, vegis, clear soups and Jello
all for a period of 48 hrs.. Not bad at all

I will be starting tomorrow and will keep updating my progress with this product.

wish me luck :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where did you go 10 Pounds...

Well I took my son for a physical yersterday for his football team and I saw how much my 11 year old weighs...... 142.7 that's nuts but he is 5'4 so that is kinda good for his height well anyway I decided to hope on the scale and I actually opened my eyes and saw my weight and guess what... I lost 10 lbs. Who knows how I did it but I actually game up on my deit the first week I started, things were to expensive and not agreein with my belly. I dont understand I drink plenty I cant emphysis that word enought PLENTY of soda lol didnt change my eating habits, had like absolutetly no excersise but I lost 10 lbs (crazzyyy) but I love it and have no complaints I just hope I lost it a healthy way. I think it might have been the house cleaning that I hate so much and the swimming in my back yard, but I am going to keep doing what I have been and lets see in another month what happens, hopefully it doubles!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just enjoying some tres leche cake ymm no weight loss but just found out I have spinal stenosis wit lumbar degenerate disease... Thats a motivator :\

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

30 Days continued....

Well as you can see it is now June 1st, have I done anything yet to start off my 30 Day challenge? Yes I have...well a little start . I did about 20 minutes of this program called Part 1 Cardio Slim-Down which I had to pick 3 days of the week to do just cardio (didn't do that yet) then there is Part 2 Bikini-Body Sharpers. It was alright, there was 8 demos in the routine and it tells you step by step how to do the workout . Those are the easy things to do, the hardest is dieting knowing what to eat and what NOT to eat. So far I had a bowl of cereal because I didn't know what to start off with. Yesterday we set up a pool but it wasn't leveled so we had to level it out and that was some hard ass work! So I am a little sore today, which is good that's a sign of muscle building (yay for me) and I am gonna do a little more weight lifting around 4pm because not I have to do a serious workout called " House Cleaning" I am pretty sure most people hate this workout, but with the right music it can go by really quick. So I will keep in touch with all my stats as soon as I can figure out how to measure myself. Ciao for now.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

My head is pounding

Sunday, May 23, 2010

30 Days to a new ME!

It sounds like something from a diet infomercial "30 Days to a new ME" but it's not. I have been overweight about 75% of my life and I am really sick of it. In 2004 I had lost 35 lbs (which made me 145) because I had a nervous breakdown and my doctors told me "if you loose it this way, by not eating you will regret it" I didn't believe a word he said.....Well I should have because I gained double of what I had lost which sucks, it took me about 5 years but I really packed it on and wish I didn't. Well it is now 2010 and every New Years my resolution was to loose weight, that never seemed to work so I am now 227lbs (yewzor I know) and need to loose about 50 lbs, not sure if it's a realistic weight goal but I don't care it's a weight goal I want! I am going to keep track of my weight loss on my blog which means I will be posting pictures and any products I use along the way. I will be starting off with a 30 day diet that I made up for myself. Here are some of the things I included in my 30 days:
  1. For my first week I will be on the GNC Total Lean 7 Day Fat Loss Kit to jump start my diet.
  2. I will be working out 2 hrs a day for 4 days a week. Mostly Cardio, weight training and pilates.
  3. Haven't really thought this threw to well so when I figure out the rest I will definitely blog it.
I am also on a Softball league, what good am I if I cant even run fast to the bases....I am utterly useless on the team(even tho 30% of the team in overweight lol) and feel like quitting but that's the problem with me I like to quit with everything I try to do, but this is one thing I am NOT quitting I am putting my foot down on myself and hopefully I can DO it. It's only 30 days I think I can do it...No I KNOW I CAN and I will...Wow I have will power, that's new lol. Anyway I will keep in touch becasue I will be starting it on June 1st at 7am and will finish June 30 at 10pm. I hope to at least have lost 10 lbs (wishful thinking) but lets see what happen!