Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where did you go 10 Pounds...

Well I took my son for a physical yersterday for his football team and I saw how much my 11 year old weighs...... 142.7 that's nuts but he is 5'4 so that is kinda good for his height well anyway I decided to hope on the scale and I actually opened my eyes and saw my weight and guess what... I lost 10 lbs. Who knows how I did it but I actually game up on my deit the first week I started, things were to expensive and not agreein with my belly. I dont understand I drink plenty I cant emphysis that word enought PLENTY of soda lol didnt change my eating habits, had like absolutetly no excersise but I lost 10 lbs (crazzyyy) but I love it and have no complaints I just hope I lost it a healthy way. I think it might have been the house cleaning that I hate so much and the swimming in my back yard, but I am going to keep doing what I have been and lets see in another month what happens, hopefully it doubles!